About CorMax Fitness Australia
CorMax is a brand that prides itself on the quality and robustness of the products in Instability Resistance Training field and its commitment to education and continued research and development. We aim to sell you more time and more lifestyle. By blending exercise and therapy you will be running your health and exercise business as a business. Free up time to have a better lifestyle. As the physio or business owner you can have more control over the delivery of the exercise component.
Cormax Fitness Australia aims to be the world leader in the education of Instability Resistance Training and empower our clients in taking their clients all the way from pathology and restriction of activities to getting their lives and activity or passion back on track, using skill and safety in progressions or regressions as necessary.
Become part of the CorMax Fitness Australia family and have access to online exercise programs on Physitrack (minimum spend $500) allowing you the flexibility to train your clients at home with CorMax equipment or at the clinic / gym without you. (Best used in conjunction with a Tabata app.)
Life is unpredictable – train for it.
Water-Filled Instability
Challenge to stabilise during each and every movement. The sloshing of water pulls and pushes the body in less predictable direction, igniting and engaging core stabilization during every movement. Lower the water fill and CorMax products become increasingly more difficult to control. Conversely with more water, the heavier it becomes, making it more stable and easier to predict the direction of force. Engage secondary and stabilising muscle groups efficiently and safely.
Functional Training
Exercise equipment with fun and variety to take fuctional training to a new level with the CorMax range. You can imitate just about any movement from your daily life. The Commander, Torpedoes, Grenades and AQA Balls are an ideal way to get stronger and fitter in a functional way.
Extreme Durability

Core Engagement
Water flowing action and instability is ideal for total core and stability training. The constant shift challenges your muscles entirely, especially the stabilizing muscles and body core muscles greatly reducing the chance of injury.
Exercise Variety
The CorMax range provides destabilizing forces for sport, power and strength training. Mimic various movements required in all sports – football, tennis, golf, boxing and more. Perform highly specific exercises with a constantly changing weight instead of static training.
Squats, Bulgarian squats, military press, snatches, lunges and so on can be repetitive and tiresome. The CorMax range intensifies basic movements, working your full body harder each rep to improve your strength and power.